Know what’s been delivered
Achievements should be celebrated. That’s why we show you the cards that have successfully reached the last stage of your board. The Card Journey additionally shows you the information how long each card took to flow through from the first until the last stage. This can be a helpful indicator to estimate how long a similar card would take to be developed in the future.

Handy for Standup Meetings
The daily digest email explicitly shows you relevant information of your projects. Use it as a simple & handy report for your standup meetings.

Task Updates
For detailed information about progress in a card you also see what tasks have been checked off and which have been newly added.

Blocked Cards
Blockers slow delivery down and should be resolved as soon as possible. That’s why the digest shows you blocked cards and if provided, it also shows you the reason why a card is being blocked. Adding a reason for a blocker provides better context for your teammates and can help to resolve the blocker faster. You can also easily grasp in which stage of the progress the card is currently stuck.

New Team Members
The digest also shows you team members that have been newly added to a board and you can connect with them on social platforms or other services right away.